Adam Bruchas

Social Media

I have been in the digital marketing space for 16 years with a focus on online engagement. My digital career started with the Houston Rockets and then later the Houston Texans as director of social presence. I love using the data to drive awareness and engagement for clients through all form of social platforms. My number one focus at Shatterproof is to create specific strategies to each of our clients target market through all online platforms. When it comes to knowing where you should be online, im your guy!


When im not running around with my three girls and wife. I love everything these is about outdoors. Doesn't matter if its biking, running, swimming, kayaking, im there.


Houston, Texas

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I live with all girls: wife, 3 kids and a cat

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Was born in Louisiana, but I claim Texas

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I've worked for all the Houston professional sports teams: Astros, Rockets, Texans, Dynamo, Skeeter

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